America's Foundation

America The Land We Love

I must admit, I was never too interested in history as I went through school. It seemed difficult and boring.  My eyes have been opened. Our American history is fascinating

Proverbs 14:34 Says that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.


Circle of Health

Life and health are a circle. Every aspect effects every other aspect. This includes the government of the nation we life in. As the scripture above states, sin is a reproach to any people.  Sadly our nation and our current administration has drifted away from the guiding principles that our founding fathers based our nation on. This has resulted in difficult times for the people of our United States. There is hope!!!

Our founding fathers were Word oriented.  Our Constitution was based on God’s Word. Research by David and Tim Barton reveals that the bible was the #1 quoted source. Our Founding Fathers knew God was the creator. Congress was responsible for printing the first Bible in English.   Our United States Constitution, which went into effect in 1789 is the only constitution we have ever had.   As Americans we have enjoyed and do enjoy extraordinary measures of freedom compared to other nations.

Liberal Progressives attribute America’s success to luck. The truth is that our success comes from our Biblical foundation.

God's Word is Our Foundation

Knowing that the chief purpose of satan was to keep people from  knowing the Bible, schools in early America taught children to read the Bible. 


Believers Voice of Victory

Hearing the two week series on Elections on Believers Voice of Victory, I learned amazing things about the truth of our United States of America.

David and his son, Tim, Barton are likely the most educated two people in America today on the foundation of our Nation. 

They have secured many many original documents including the 1777 Reading Primer used in America’s first schools. You will find a wealth of truth on the website of David and Tim Barton, .

I am currently reading The American Story by David and Tim Barton.  This book is accurate and highly engaging:  The American Story



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