
My Interest in This Area of Preventative
Health and Fitness

My Interest in This Area of Preventative
Health and Fitness

My interest in this area of preventative health and fitness began as a young mother seeking the walk of optimal health for all my family. It continues today for my entire family of grown married children and nine grandchildren on earth with two precious ones in heaven! Our youngest daughter, Brennon, now has her own Shaklee business as well.

Our Beginning in Shaklee

In 1976, before our youngest daughter was born, my husband and I learned that God wanted us healthy. We knew it, but didn’t especially know how to walk in that knowledge. In 1978 I was introduced to this wellness company called Shaklee committed to research and to providing products in harmony with nature. This was an answer to my prayers. The opportunities to learn were endless. As I began to apply what I was learning in the natural realm and continue to study God’s promises in the spiritual realm, I witnessed the restoration of health within our own children. If any of you have ever had sick children, you understand how huge this was to me. I couldn’t help but want to share these results with others. Since that time, my passion for sharing the message of health and fitness has increased even more. We have now used these Shaklee products for almost over 4 decades. I take no medicines and praise the Lord that John and I are both healthy and strong.

circle of health

My Niche

My calling is to study, to create, and to impart this message of fitness and health. I’ve even developed a niche called Fabufit, where IHealth is a circle offer blog posts and classes on Living Long and Living Strong. I encourage you to join me as I reveal the simple synergistic magic of addressing the entire Circle of Health in Spirit, soul, and body! I Invite You I invite you to learn more about nutrition and how natural food supplements can make a very important difference in your life. Shaklee offers an inexpensive membership, direct ordering online, many special offers, and no requirement to order except as your needs require.