This website was created for Christian women of all
ages who desire to become, or wish to stay,
Abundantly Healthy, Increasingly
Happy and Fabulously Fit.

My calling is to study, to create and to impart this message of fitness and health both from a Spiritual and a Physical viewpoint, (They go together.)

Here you will find many courses and products designed from a Christian viewpoint that will guide you in baby steps along the path to living long and strong.

I hope you enjoy my website and come to visit often. I encourage you to join me as I reveal the simple synergistic magic of addressing the entire Circle of Health in Spirit, soul, and body!

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Your Vote is Your Seed

Your Vote is Your Seed Voting is a Responsibility With my website focus on The Circle of Health and LIving

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The Comforter

The Comforter John 16:7-14  v7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:

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Old Favorite Zucchini Bread or Muffins

Long years ago I used to make Zucchini Bread on a weekly basis for our family. I had gotten the recipe from a cookbook, Step-By-Step to Natural Food published in 1979 by Diane Campbell. My cookbook was used so much that it is now in battered pages. These past months I have been experimenting with this recipe to make it fit Fabufit Paleo guidelines. First I just made the recipe using a Gluten Free Flour and Coconut Oil. It was delicious. However, this Gluten Free Flour is made from rice, which doesn’t really match strict Paleo.


-Greta Slaton

Just thought I would share with you that this soon-to-be 71-year-old is in training for Mother-of-the-Groom. So, I was motivated to succeed. And clothes are fitting looser, and maybe a size smaller is the right fit. I have lost 12 inches since beginning your program in May. The wedding is on September 27. This journey has been the easiest one yet. I was looking at the exercise sheets and was amazed that I had completed six weeks of exercises. My go-to exercise program had been the Wii Fit program, but I was lacking the motivation to get on that balance board each morning. The Fabufit Strength Program came along at the right time to bring something different into my routine. I purchased another exercise ball (I had given mine away), and a medicine ball. I already had three sets of weights. I think the reason I don’t mind the 20-minute walks, and the Strength Training is that they are things I can do, not too much to have me dreading exercise days. ~ Greta

-Jennie Hammonds

My involvement with Dani`s Circle of Health teachings began with her very first teleconference classes in 2000.And have continued until this time. In the years she was not formally teaching, we remained connected by phone, letters, and texts. With her guidance I have developed good habits and retained them….good habits such as healthy eating, improving my body with strength and cardio training, positive thinking, feeling energetic and spiritual development. I Can’t Wait Dani is always on the cutting edge of new research, facts, and ideas and I can`t wait to see what she has to offer in the weeks to come. Her attitude is always to help and do more for those in her classes. So if you are interested in healthier eating habits, losing weight or inches, becoming more energetic, and strengthening your emotional and spiritual life, I recommend joining Dani`s Team Fabulous.


I have enjoyed the last month spending time with you and the class. Your knowledge on fitness and nutrition is above and beyond the best. I have learned so much to carry me through life and most eager to learn more. The thought that has stuck with me most is “You can do it or you don’t have to do it and maybe it will not show up now, but some day it will.” That is so true. It is so easy to say it doesn’t matter or will not hurt me, but what happens ten years from now if we do not follow the right path? Thanks so much and looking forward to tonight. By the way, loving your recipes! Grateful Ginger


From Lina LaRock 3-2005 Hope you and your family are all doing wonderful. I’ve been wanting to write this letter for a couple of months. I wanted to let you know that I reached my weight/body fat goal! I continued to practice all the principles I had learned with you. I continued to make changes. By Dec 04 I reached my desired body fat goal of 19%…a total of 13#. I did it the right way (no shortcuts) and I was happy, joyous, and FREE (no mental obsession) while I lost the weight. I’ve maintained this weight of 129-130 for 4 months now. I feel great. Thank you so much. I learned so much from you. I quote you all the time. Thank you also for your countless prayers for me. God heard them. God Bless you Dani and the work you are doing. You are an awesome coach and woman of God. Gratefully yours, Lina LaRock


The good thing is that I don’t feel that right now I have any weight to lose. After losing so much weight through your program years ago, and then T-Tapping, things have been pretty good. Of course, I go up and down a small amount here and there. However, I just went to a T-Tapp retreat in October, and lost inches there. So, right now, the size is good. I feel that what I need the most, personally, is to accomplish twice as much in half the time! I feel that I am always so far behind with paperwork, etc. Mostly, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your message and the way you deliver it! I am so grateful to be a part of your group yet again. Kudos to you


I appreciate you so much. Your transparency and your humble spirit is priceless. What an example you are to me. Till next time


I have not followed the workbook/lessons religiously. I do try to drink half my weight in ounces of water each day. I do try to eat six times a day — three of those being light snacks like carrot sticks, grapes, etc. I try to walk for at least thirty minutes (longer sometimes) a day at least five days a week. I sometimes eat things I should not. Mexican food is my weakness. I do it probably more than one day a week for a free day. But the water, walking, and eating six times a day seemed to do it for me. In the process, I have cut out a lot of sugar intake. I do want you to know that right before you taught the class at ROG, God had been telling me to lose weight. I think I told you before that I have lost weight many times in my lifetime, but I always gained all of it back and a little more. I was afraid to go on any diet for fear of winding up worse than when I started. When God was telling me to lose weight, I told Him that I had tried often, as He knew, and was not successful. I told Him that if it was going to work, He would have to be in it.

-Jody Miller

Dani, I want to congratulate you on this course in its entirety. I stand amazed. It is so comprehensive. You include working on the mind, body, and spirit. You emphasize exercise both aerobic and weight training, lots of clean water, and eating natural, raw, good foods. I love the thoughts on how to renew our minds.


I want to thank Dani for offering this great program. The Fabulous Fit acrostic and the Success acrostic really say it all for me. As far as weight goes, I am not doing the challenge to lose weight, even though I have lost 6# and >3 inches since January. I am doing the Challenge to lose fat and gain muscle, strengthen bones and heart, and this is happening.

-Jane Cooper

"Thank you so much for all the classes we had together in your Northplace Church group! I enjoyed them so much and learned so much. The way you lifted us up in encouragement was a big bonus!! I am listening to Thurmans cd you gave me, it is awesome! I was already very serious about the Word of God"


My first thought as I end this course is that I will never, ever forget this class. The messages have been powerful. In my life, impossibilities have become possibilities.


I want to tell you how much I personally admire you for your commitment to helping people be the best that they can be. I consider you to be a role model who “walks what they talk.”


The Fabufit Challenge to Become Fabulously Fit and Abundantly Healthy has become a new life’s mission. I have had such tremendous success in just a short amount of time. Friends and neighbors are asking me what I am doing because of the changes that they see. Since the start of my 12-Week Challenge, I have lost more than 13 # of body fat and gained substantial muscle mass. I am stronger, more flexible, and have increased energy and stamina. In fact, I routinely have enough energy to take me through an entire day of exercise, tennis, family, and work, and never run out of steam. At night instead of falling into bed wiped out, I have to use discipline to go to bed; that alone is a huge change in my lifestyle. I am so excited because, now, I am getting so much more accomplished each day. Also, as a result of the healthy lifestyle changes that I have made, my moods are 100% better. I feel years younger and I have regained a zeal for life. My expectations towards aging are much more positive and optimistic.

Jennie Hammonds

After being a part of Dani’s classes for twenty plus years, I would like to share a new testimony.

Through the years, many concepts, teachings, stories, and ideas have been presented and repeated. As a retired educator, I believe learning comes from repetition. The things I have learned have become a part of my life.

Dani’s knowledge and presentation of Bible teachings continue to help and inspire me. They keep my life hopeful and on the right track. This knowledge adds to her concepts of healthy living, long life, divine healing, and knowing and applying God’s promises. For me, it is important to have a Christian/Bible inspired teacher and class.

Each class block contains current up-to-date research and ideas regarding health, energy, exercise, and positive lifestyles. I know I have the latest and best information and don’t have to search it all for myself.

Many encouraging ideas come from Dani’s teaching to help a person develop healthy thoughts. One of my favorite ideas and most meaningful ones is to have a HAPPY HOME-BASED THOUGHT each day. This is a personal thought each person can bring to their mind when the challenges of life come our way.

In Dani’s very first session of classes: Fabulously Fit – The Circle of Health, she encouraged participants to memorize what she referred to as the Fabulously Fit Acronym. If I ever become discouraged as I face the challenges of life or feel hopeless, I recall the memorized acronym and place repeating it foremost in my daily life.

Here is the acronym I have personalized for myself. It is slightly different from the original, but it is specific to my needs: Join Dani’s class and help yourself in every walk of life. You can learn and find inspiration from Dani and other members of her class. JENNIE'S PERSONALIZED FABULOUSLY FIT ACRONYM.


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