My Gratitudes for 2024

Thank you
Listening to one  of our favorite ministers, I am reminded: 
"God has never stopped being good.
We have stopped being grateful." ~ Lance Wallnau

What power gratefulness has tucked within it’s voice. It’s voice is released through each of our own voices.  Is that power coming forth in your life? 

Gratefulness is a Choice

I have learned that the best way to activate joy is by doing Gratitudes.  What is a gratitude?  A gratitude is a statement of thanksgiving you choose to voice. Gratitude Streaming is voicing one gratitude after another.  Joy is just waiting to fill up your day today and each day.

Take a moment today and think on just what you  are thankful for.  Gratefulness multiplies into more gratefulness when you voice it.

Get Started by Seeing My Gratitudes

Let me share my 2024 top Gratitudes to help you get yours rolling.  Even today, why not list yours?

1. Confident direction as to a Church change to Eagle Mountain Church in Fort Worth.

2. Our 60th Anniversary celebrated with dinner dance, with John and I performing a much worked on Bolero ballroom dance.

3. Seeing our grandchildren step up to the plate to help in so many ways at the celebration greeting, seating, conversing with guests; Austin being our MC, Carter dancing his “best”, and  Nathan and Carter chasing the “get away” balloons.

4. John and I walking in divine health this year.

5. Dance lessons with Ben.

6. Crossfit with Johnni and the Legends

7. Finding the best photographer for our 60th. who captured so many memories

8. Learning to lead someone to Jesus and leading almost 40 into the Kingdom of God. 

9. Our new puppy, Romeo

10. Our Murphy Life Team Friends and weekly Bible Study

11. Our Grandson, Austin’s marriage

12. Grandchildren, Cameron and also Kylie both living in the Dallas area again 

13. Maria and Rosie, our housekeepers and friends

14. Many, many friends

15. Mother’s Day treat of Brunch with Pace

16. Father’s Day trip with Pace and Dana

17. Time with Chandler as he helped me with our flowers this summer

18. Ice House Sales

19. Christmas Lights finally this year

20. Learning Spanish with God’s supernatural help

21. President Trump’s Election

22. Flashpoint

23. Nathan’s help with Romeo

24. More family members in church

25. Becoming a Great Grandmother with Baby Asher born December 12th.

26. Precious times with our youngest grandchildren.



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