The Comforter

John 16:7-14  v7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 8 And when he is come,….
The Comforter

Uncommon Strength

he Greek word Parakletos actually means: Advocate, Counselor, and Intercessor. William Barclay, a Bible scholar describes the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians.

He is the One in you who will fill you with joy bringing strength to you and glory to God.

In the day we live in, how we need  His comfort, counsel, and strength in our lives. Barclay descibes the work of the “Parakletos” like this:

“The kind of comfort and consolation in distress which keeps a man on his feet, when, left to himself, he would collapse. It is the comfort, which enables a man or woman to pass the breaking point and not to break. He is the one who is called in to help in a situation with which a man by himself cannot cope. He exhorts men to high deeds and noble thoughts.”

Perilous Times

The Comforter
Finding Peace

It is evident that we are living in the last days. The Bible tells us that these last days before the return of our Lord Jesus will be perilous times. Without the strength of the “Comforter”, we could not cope well, or at all. Finding peace would be a fleeting accomplishment.

Brand: Havenlight Publishing
“Comforter” by Yongsung Kim portrays Jesus Christ tenderly embracing a lamb amidst a serene field of purple flowers beneath a calming blue sky, …

2 Timothy 3:1-13 KJV This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers…………

I remember in my early years of being a new Christian and a young mother, life was hard. Worry was a constant companion following me every day. I didn’t understand what a precious gift I had been given.

Comfort is a gift

Peace was only something I experienced here and there and I didn’t know how to keep it. I remember thinking: “Peace is the greatest gift of all. If only I could walk in perfect peace, it would not matter what storms came into my life.” And I didn’t even know this was possible.

It is possible! I haven’t arrived perfectly yet, but 90% of my days are now lived in peace.  Finding peace is possible because of our Parakletos. It is a gift for me and for you.

Believe and Receive

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word  of God. When you begin to see the beautiful gift  of the Comforter that Jesus left  for each of us believers, life becomes so much easier. Your faith will grow as you learn more about Him and how He wishes to help you in every situation. A practical and excellent book on Living in Peace.  

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