Published March 20, 2024

Here we are already marching into Spring. A great habit (which I do admit I sometimes neglect) is to name your month each month to stir up your hope and expectation for good things to happen.

I love this time of the year as we begin to see the flowers blooming and the trees blossoming. For me, it is a reminder of a new season and time to learn new things, which I so enjoy doing. Life is a journey of discovering all the treasures that God has prepared for us in His beautiful circle of health.

Without a vision, my people perish.

Basketball season has just ended for our grandson, Carter, who made the varsity team this year at Plano East High School. It has been an extremely exciting season as they ended with a record of 40 wins and 0 losses, winning the Texas 6A State Championship. The team has remained a humble great group of boys. They have been invited to a special tournament in New York for some of the best teams in the nation. It is such a joy watching Carter’s little sisters, Caris and Cali, as they get so very excited about all of the games.

This has truly been a magnificent March for us and the month continues with living in joyful, alert, prayerful expectancy.

The Circle of Health becomes more and more vivid as time marches on. We want to take care of our physical body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Each Fabufit course addresses seven key habits, which are simple to do and yet simple not to do. Repetition reinforces each habit until it becomes a routine. Consistency in each routine takes it to autopilot, where the miracle occurs: it is no longer hard to do, but it becomes easy because it is just who you are and how you live.

Categories: Blog / FAITH / SUCCESS