New Insight for Your Breakthrough
This 7-week insightful Christian course is now being offered as a Home Study via You Tube Powerpoint/Video. If you have stubborn inches or pounds to shed, this may well contain the revelation you need for a breakthrough. If you just wish to remain at your ideal weight, you must understand these principles that are working either for you or against you.
What is the Missing Piece?
You know there has to be a missing piece to this weight loss puzzle. There is. Most don’t know about it. Once you find it and learn how to use it, you will rejoice. This hidden piece is called your SetPoint. Your body weight set point is the number on the scale your body seems stuck at, adding or subtracting a few pounds.
In this 8-lesson course, now archived for home learning, you will learn just where your set point is now, and some powerful baby-step strategies to change a stubborn SetPoint. The course is filled with practical how-to’s, life-changing scriptures to renew your mind, and inspiring thoughts to motivate you on this journey to becoming free of the weight of worry and the worry of weight.
Work at your own pace. Receive a Certificate upon completion.
What is included in this course?
* Renew Your Mind According to the Word of God to a Mindset of Hope and Victory
* Determine Exactly Where You are
* Establish your Six Month Goal With Confidence
* Establish Good Habits to Overwrite Non Productive Habits
* Balance your hormones and Unclog your hormonal sink
* Lose not only Extra Inches and Pounds but more Importantly the Worry of Weight and the Weight of Worry
Course Overview
No matter how many times you may have tried and failed to lose inches and weight, you can succeed by breaking through your current set point.
For so many years I searched for the puzzle pieces to change my weight set point. This article is one I originally actually wrote in 2008.
“In my years of college, it had made no sense. Sometimes I lost a pound or two and then ate so little, but the scales showed weight gain. Sometimes I ate so much and my scales remained the same. My days literally became consumed with trying to get out from under this huge fear and worry of weight. There had to be some hidden secrets I just couldn’t figure out.
Have you ever felt like this? It is a burden that can steal your joy and your vitality in living. Thankfully, my story changed many years ago. Yours can begin changing today.”
The Puzzle Pieces
I have some good news. I found the puzzle pieces and I broke
free from this weight-worry prison. And you can too. Not only did I break free, but I have also stayed free for almost three decades now. This freedom is for a lifetime.
Your Set Point
Yes, you have a Set Point. Your brain continually is relaying messages which are carried by hormones throughout your body and back to the brain. If your brain thinks your fat stores are too large, it sends directions for your body to burn off the excess. If it thinks they are too low, it sends signals to find food. Your brain, your control center, has a constant goal to keep your weight at your unique Set Point.
If you aren’t at your ideal weight, your natural set point has been damaged. It can only be brought lower by making some underlying repairs.
Table Of Contents
This course covers the following topics:
- How the Set Point Works
- Nutritious Delicious
- Habits/Will Power/Capturing Thoughts
- Mind Renewal/Rewiring
- Moving More and More
- Stress Less/Sleep More
- Removing Roadblocks
What Will You Learn In this Course?
• Your brain continually works to keep your weight at its ideal
Set Point
• Your ideal Set Point can become damaged and now be a “not so ideal Set Point” because it is too high. It will stubbornly resist change.
• It can be changed. The change involves repairing your natural slimming system by taking baby steps and remembering that health is a circle.
• Hormones can become unbalanced and clogged
- Exercise increases slimming hormones
- Hormones increase the speed of metabolism
Preview this Course with the Introduction that was made for the Live Course:
- 8 Sections
- 25 Lessons
- 18 Weeks
- 01 Dance of the HormonesIntroduction to basic tools we will use in the course, Set Point Principles, and what makes or stops the beautiful waltz of the hormones.8
- 02 Nutritious DeliciousWhich foods are sane and which are insane? What are the three most frustrating problems of previous diets that have failed? How can you change your Set Point?9
- 03 Upgrading Habits/Developing Will Power/Changing Your Setpoint2
- 04 Renewing the Mind1
- 05 Moving More and More2
- 06 Stress Less and Sleep More5
- 07 Review of the Course1
- Final Quiz1
- Baby Steps, Tools to Implement Change
Target audiences
- women, Christian