Take Your Goals to Habits
God's Word is Our Foundation

Daily Framework

One of the Daily Habits we are working on in Team Fabulous is Framing our Day with a set of actions, rituals that provide a very solid foundation for the day.

These are daily small actions that, if you do not do them, you almost feel undressed for the day. Each of our Daily Frameworks will be a little different. The important thing is to recognize what your framework needs to be and then take these actions on to habits, then to routines and on to autopilot (where the miracle occurs.)

What helps me personally is to write this list of my Daily Framework items in my Dayplanner first thing each morning and accomplish and check off this list before I actually begin the other routines of the day. Here is my group:

Bible Reading, Praying

Gratitude Listing


I like to list at least 10 things I am grateful at the moment. Then I list 3 impossibles and begin the creative juices and the hope muscle working. I also includes “Sacrifices of praise”.

Reading and Writing my Daily Affirmation

written note

Writing my Plans for the Day

“Without a plan, we plan to fail.”


Watering my Plants

This one is important to me right now as I have a new Jasmine plant that smells wonderful. I am wishing to cut little branches and root them for more plants.


I would love to have feedback as to what your Daily Framework is.

Take Your Goals to Habits

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