Published February 14, 2014

dani lifting w textStepping it Up Challenge

On this page, you will find fitness and exercise instructions for a healthy lifestyle. In addition, click here to view and purchase deeply discounted fitness products for members of Team Fabulous. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals!

Hoe Downs from TTapp

Click here to:  Learn how to do Hoe Downs from TTapp to erase the debit foods.

Stretching Exercises

Here are Two Pages of Stretching Exercises to Download taken from Fabufit EBook, Think and Grow Fit:

Stretching Exercise 1

Stretching Exercise 2

If you would like more help, I have priced the eBook, which contains hundreds of hours of work, at only $9.95. Members, go to Fabufit Discounted Products for Members and get an even better price!

Think and Grow Fit Strength Training eBook

Strength Training Made Easy Digital Book to guide you in baby steps through the confusion of Strength Training. Find out more

  • Color coded charts
  • A system to easily implement a 3 day a week simple regimen to create the transformation

Video Fitness Training

Erin Hathaway of CROSSFIT Ammo in Allen, TX has provided us with six training videos that teach us basic life applications for lifting, sitting properly, stretching, and mobility. These video instructions have been created especially forTeam Fabulous, and if followed will help us prevent injuries while staying mobile and fit.

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