OV What is God’s Prescription for Health?

What is God’s Prescription for Health, Fitness, and Healing?

Do you know God’s Prescription for Health, Fitness, and Healing.

My love for the study in the field of fitness and health is always leading me to new research and new ideas. Last summer I heard of Dr. Avery Jackson, Neurosurgeon, and Spirit-Filled Christian. He was introduced at the Kenneth Copeland Believer’s Convention in Fort Worth, TX.

Research in Process

As I searched for more about this doctor, I found places where he had spoken as a guest speaker as well as some articles about how he practices medicine. Wanting to know more, I found his book on Amazon. His research is very fascinating as he talks about the choices we have to walk in divine health. I’m bringing it all together for you to learn about.

How to Live Long and Strong


Could You Be Missing One of the Critical Parts for Health and Healing?

You and I are a three-part being: Spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions), and body. In order for us to enjoy divine health and walk our lives in healing, health, and fitness, we need a three-part approach. This is exactly what Dr. Avery Jackson, well known Christian Neurologist, believes and teaches. This approach also follows what Fabufit is all about. Health is a circle. Each aspect of the health circle will affect every other aspect of the circle.

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What You Will Learn

The Three-Part Approach to Healing, Health, Fitness How Emotions impact Physical Health –> Fitness What the Memory Loop is and How to Change it for Good What Worry Does to Us and How to Stop It The Healing Value of Laughter What are Stem Cells and How they Benefit Us

Home Study Course

You will receive an archive of each of the live classes taught in June. A PDF of the Powerpoint to follow along is also available for you. The archive is in the form of a powerpoint video via You Tube access. .

One Time Purchase

Team Fabulous

All Team members come free to all classes taught.

A Snippet of What I am Learning and Will Share

Dr. Avery’s book, The God Prescription for Healing is captivating. It shows how we can blend Scripture with science to heal the human spirit, mind, and body. Did you know that we have a healing mechanism that God built into our bodies to help us when we’re sick? This mechanism is a particular type of cell that God placed into our bodies when we were only two days old. Do you know about “stem cells”? They are fascinating. They can develop God's great love Things to Love into many types of cells in the body. They can all make copies of themselves. They can develop into more specialized cells. God so graciously put these cells into our bodies so we can call upon them when we need them. This is an example of how much He loves us. Ever thought about why God took a rib from Adam to create Eve? How amazing to realize that the highest concentration of stem cells in the body is in the bone marrow of ribs.