Is Living in Peace Possible?
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you...... John 14:27
Jesus walked in perfect peace as He was on the earth. Although He was opposed and challenged by opposition all around Him, a mighty force of peace governed Him. If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that same peace is part of your inheritnce. Wow, this is good news. You and I can live a life of total peace.
Like everything else that we receive from the Lord, it is not automatic. It is already ours at the time we are born again and we become a New Creation in Christ Jesus. It is activated and drawn upon by faith. “For without faith, it is impossible to please God.”
Nancy Dufresne teaches in her book: Peace Living Free from Worry that we must not only learn to draw upon this peace, but we must guard and protect it.
Worry Steals Our Peace
Fear plus Doubt equals Worry. These two are called by Duprense “The tormenting twins.” I know this is true because I used to live in worry. Maybe I was subconsciously trained by my mother, who used to worry all the time. I thought it was just the normal thing to do. When first married, I remember John saying I would worry whether the sun would come up. Yes, it might have been that bad.
As years passed and I met Jesus and began to study my Bible, I realized that worry was a thief that I was not supposed to yield to. I even read in Matthew 6:25 that Jesus specifically instructed me not to worry. If He told me not to worry then there had to be a way to be free of this torment.
Worry in time will break down the mind and body. It opens the door to depression and oppression. It is part of the curse of the law which we, as believers, are redeemed from. Gal 3:13,14
Doctors report that 85% of all diseases begins from the shoulders up. Medical science reveals that worry affects the mind and the body.
What Can You Do?
- You can speak to worry and fear and tell them to go in the name of Jesus. As a believer in Jesus, who is the Word of God, you have the authority to forbid those things on earth that are forbidden in Heaven. Neither worry nor fear exist in Heaven.
- Release your faith by the words you speak. Speak ONLY what God says is true. “Your faith is your permission”. ~ Nancy Duprense
- Think of worry as a sin. It comes from the devil to steal, kill, and destroy. You and I must take a stand against it and refuse to commit the sin of worry. Learn more about how to break the worry habit in Nancy Duprense’s book Peace – Living Free from Worry.