Prepare for Holiday Eating

Holiday Eating EBook

Enjoy the Holidays Without Wearing Them in the New Year

It is possible.  It is totally possible, and you will love the results.   For years I thought holidays were for eating as much as was available. I never thought through my decisions before and honestly rarely left a holiday feeling very good about the choices I had made.

How about a new mindset? This new mindset will be based on the decision to eat not carelessly, but with planned intention.  Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.  Let’s turn this around.  Those who plan, plan to succeed.

Adapt a Holiday MindsetFinding Peace and Finding Joy

There is not much of anything more important than walking each day in peace and joy.  God has given us that gift.  The Joy of the Lord is our strength.  Jesus paid the price for our peace and well being.  It only takes a few little adjustments to make a total difference in your emotional status for the day. These little I Will decision statements will carry you through every holiday with continued fitness and health. Fitness over 50 is so possible.  I’ve experienced it for over 30 years now. 

Health is a Circle

The Circle of Health

Because Life and Health is a circle, we need a training system based on Godly principles that encompasses the entire Circle of Health – Spirit, Soul (mind, will and emotions) and Body. As you and I make success decisions and take success steps, life is not lacking.  It is abundant.  

Please Enjoy the Free Gift Offer on the Home Page

Holiday Eating Ebook 

*The System
*Getting on the Success Curve
*Learning Mental Strategies
*Simple Physical Strategies 
*A New View of Discipline
*The Power of a Decision
*The Two Major Life Pains
*Two Kinds of Foods
*Two Simple Eraser Actions
*Favorite Recipes


If you enjoy the Ebook gift, you may also like the Holiday Eating Home Study Course and Workbook

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