The Tipping Point
What is Your Tipping Point?
The Dictionary describes a Tipping Point as “the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change. Looking at this from a personal perspective, let’s look at our lives. The Bible says He has begun a good work in you and He will perform it. This can be very exciting. Remember the Slight Edge? As we travel along in life making simple good choices concerning our eating, exercise, faith confessions, and trust choices, our path many not even look at all different from our neighbor who is day by day making wrong choices. Until all of a sudden….we reach a tipping point. All of these small little changes, seemingly insignificant little good habits come together to cause our life to turn. Healing begins to manifest, our strength becomes more apparent, finding peace and finding joy begin to be a consistent treasure found each day.
Momentum begins and these health building, faith building habits become just who we are. These habits are now harder not to do than to do. A miracle has occurred.
Faith and Patience Inherit the Promises
You have been expectant and filled with Hope. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. You couldn’t see this victory with your natural eye. Faith comes from hearing , believing , and speaking the Word of God concerning your situation. You have begun to see with the “eye of faith”.
This is Who God Says You Are
You are an overcomer. If it doesn’t look like it yet, today is the day to stir up your hopes and begin to expect. The Tipping Point for you is very near.
The Even Bigger Picture
Our nation is at a tipping point. We’ve been traveling along a path less than great the past few years. It is time for the tipping point to tip on over into good leaders who love our nation and our constitution.
It is time for the Americans who love America to step up and speak by voting. I am praying for you today. I hope you will vote in the 2024 election. America is at a tipping point and we must tip the scales for biblical values. We must again secure our borders from the millions of illegals coming into our country with terrorists and criminals among them.
We must protect our innocent children. grandchildren, and those to yet be born into these United States.
We must know the true platforms before we choose If you haven’t already, please take the time to do this:
Wake up churches, rise up America and stand for the principles and platforms this nation was founded on: the Biblical values of male and female, the sanctity of marriage, the value of the family, the protection of free speech, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We must look past personalities and look at principles and platforms to protect America.