Published October 16, 2023

Training Our Mind to Think Good Thoughts

Yes, it takes discipline, but we can train our mind to think good thoughts. It is hard if we rely on will power. It’s actually easy if we train our mind by renewing it to what God says about us. We ask the Holy Spirit to be our strength and our guide as we systematically melt toxic trees and replace them with good healthy trees (thought patterns)  in our minds. This is the same concept we use as we develop our fitness good habits. If we have to use will power for every good decision forever, it will wear us out, and we will surely give up somewhere down the road.

Take Good Thoughts to Autopilot

What we want to do is automatize our thoughts so that our nonconscious thoughts direct our conscious thoughts. This becomes just the way we think: on thoughts good, pure, lovely, and of a good report. This process is much harder in the beginning when toxic thoughts are running rampant and thinking can be rather chaotic. Each baby step will take us closer to automatization.

Correlating this to our fitness and health good habits. We first develop a good habit, then we take it to a routine, and then to  autopilot (when the miracle occurs.)


Categories: Blog / FAITH