Your Vote is Your Seed
Voting is a Responsibility
With my website focus on The Circle of Health and LIving Long and Strong, you might ask yourself how this topic fits in. I’ve been wondering about this myself over the past months as I feel so strongly how righteous voices are needed as we are living in such perilous times. . Your vote is very important. When you vote, your ballet becomes your seed. You and I must find out what the party platforms are so we can vote for justice and truth. We want freedom to remain in our United States of America. By seeking the direction of the Lord and voting in faith, you are sowing toward God’s will coming to pass in our nation.
If you are focused on the mainstream media for learning the truth about the two parties, you will be deceived. I don’t know if they are being generously paid by evildoers to report biased news or not. Deception is running rampant. Paster George Pearsons of Eagle Mountain Church says the earmark of these last days will be deception.
As you look at the party platforms, ask yourself which platform lines up with the Word of God. God always hears the cry of the remnant. Be informed about each party platform by viewing them at If you aren’t registered you can register here. Christians must think Principles and Policies in line with Biblical Values rather than voting because we don’t like a personality.
Key Issues
The sanctity of Life is very important to our Lord.
Marriage as God ordained: one man and one woman is established in His Word.
Religious Freedom is a right given in our Constitution. Christians should not be illegally discriminated against.
God loves Israel. He loves those who love Israel.
Illegal immigrants have been allowed to enter our borders by the thousands under the current administration. This has opened the floodgates to a tidal wave of deadly drugs, terrorists and migrant crimes.
Stand with the Bible
We pray for protection. We pray for lawlessness and corruption to bow their knees to the name of Jesus. That which is hidden will be revealed.
Zech 2:5 We pray a wall of fire around America and the glory within.